Thursday, June 20, 2013

Reflection #1: First Field Experience (Planning)


Today was a very great day and it has me looking forward to Tuesday. I would say going on the hike was the toughest thing today because I am afraid of bugs and not very comfortable with animals but I got through it and had an awesome experience. It was very funny seeing my classmates also be afraid and show their reactions with me. The joking around really broke the ice and made the process a lot faster. What I liked the most was planning a very fun day for the children. I believe Tuesday is going to be one of the best days not only because I get to work with children but also because I get to fill their little brains with valuable important information that they will use in the long run. I can’t wait to see how much of an impact, if any, that my group and myself have on them. Teaching them will allow me to determine if I would even consider going into this field.
I would say I could use this in the future by teaching my children about animals with the same method I planned today. Interacting with the children will really break the ice for my group and the students and it will allow us to all get comfortable quicker. It is very important to use interaction with little children so they can get the information they need and a better understanding.  
I am a little nervous for Tuesday but I’m more excited than anything. I'm more nervous about making sure I entertain the children and I teach them what is suppose to be taught in a way that they understand it and can go home and teach their parents. I hope that everything goes well and no children get frustrated or start having behavior problems, I think it will make the day go easier, more fun and a lot quicker. I was happy that the instructors were pleased with my groups lesson plan and that we met their requirements and in fact took it a step beyond what they expected. They are really excited for Tuesday, you could tell. They told us that they believe the students are going to have a blast because it isn't the same routine that they usually do.

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