Wednesday, June 19, 2013

What Makes a Good Teacher?


         Teachers have to play many different roles. The question everyone asks is, “what exactly makes a great teacher?” Most teachers have to be unique. To be honest, great teachers, not all of the time-share the same characteristics.
         It is important to be an entertaining teacher especially when teaching small children. Many children learn from entertainment and you have to grasp the child’s attention in order to get your lesson across. Moreover, you must be open-minded. You never know what problems, questions or concerns the child may have so it is important to be open-minded once you figure those challenges out. On the other hand, being mentally strong is something that the teacher will definitely benefit from. A lot of different things can occur while being a teacher and there are going to be a lot of challenges that you may face so being mentally strong could really get you through hardship.
Equally important is high expectations. Having high expectations for a child especially in the child’s “molding age” can keep them from plenty of negativity and can definitely make them stronger. Most important, being involved with your students is probably the best thing that you can do. For one whole school year, these children will look up to you and have to trust you because you hold the information that they need to be successful. Everyone has a life story and most children go through a lot in their young innocent lives and can’t do anything about it. Being there for that child can sometimes give the child peace of mind knowing that they have somewhere and someone positive to go to.
         Teaching may not always be easy, but if you are entertaining, open-minded, mentally strong, keep high expectations and you are involved with your students, you will be more successful at building strong bonds, trust, intelligence and knowledge.

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